Sunday, February 10, 2008

The Kindness of Strangers

We spent all day Friday in Tucson while Eastside Auto Repair worked on the motor. It wasn't a big deal but it took all day before the work was done. We took advantage of the day to get the dogs in to see a vet about precautions for them in Mexico. Turns out they needed another vaccination and a tick preventive. We really lucked out with the repair shop—these were the kindest and most helpful people we've ever encountered. They allowed us to camp in front of their office and strung an electrical cord for two nights and a day. Julie who dispaches the tow trucks helped me find a vet and even got one of the drivers to take us and the dogs over there. The people at the vet's office were wonderful too, making copies of documents for us and calling a taxi. Then when we couldn't get a taxi (because Tucson is in the middle of a huge gem show and rodeo) a fellow who was just leaving the vet's with his dog offered us all a ride back. These people didn't even know us yet they went out of their way to assist us. Tucson is really a freindly place and we'd like to come back sometime.

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